Keita A Whitten Foster

Titler of the Soul!

Embodied Practices for Collective Understanding + Communal Liberation


"Keita's transformative approach to therapy has lead me to experience life in ways I had previously believed were not possible for me. I have developed a dynamic awareness of how to navigate and release trauma in my body. This process has brought a sense of spaciousness into my life. Keita compassionately challenges me to empower myself." ~SK

What It's All About

Healing Pathways

Hello, wonderful! You are not complicated, broken, defective, or damaged goods. You are protective- something has happened to you; there is a difference. What if I told you the “shame body” is what keeps you stuck in pain, fear, trauma, and adversities.



Ready, Set, THrive! is not therapy. I developed specific healing pathways based on the foundations of Somatic Abolitionism taught by Resmaa` Menakem and Somatic Experiencing, founded by Peter Lavine, to address historical and ancestral legacies of racial, and religious, and class oppression, trauma, and adversities. I understand race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, class, spirituality, and culture are not binary or static. These are fluid expressions of identity and lived experiences.



The practice of Ready, Set, THrive is emergent based on somatic liberation, designed to help your body recall its natural healing process and soul wisdom I call “a self-actualized embodiment.” Healing, therefore, is an active process of embodied resistance, reframing, and reclaiming based on listening to the knowledge of your body’s wisdom.



In the Americas, healing is political. Traditional therapy methods can never be healing or therapeutic until interventions effectively address Dirty Pain (Menakem) without pathologizing people and communities struggling with low-income and internalized racial/class oppression. 



When the pathologies of dirty pain blow through communities, families, and the workforce, it manifests as mass killings, hate crimes, and other random acts of violence. 


When we can recognize the importance of supporting individual and collective healing- then communally, we begin to co-create a new social contract. Based on a renewed nervous system, we can start to move forward as a species with balance in our lives, in balance with our environments, each other, and all our relations, including sentient beings.